Animal Technical Rescue Technician - ATRT0069

Brief Description
Animal Technical Rescue Technician
Full Description
This course provides the knowledge and skills to prepare an emergency responder to extricate animals in a safe and effective manner in accordance with AHJ policies and procedures. Topics include animal anatomy, physiology, handling, behavior, and safety; incident types; size up; hazards; planning scene management; animal manipulation and movement; rescue operations; animal care and decontamination; and incident termination. This course incorporates awareness, operations, and technician training based on NFPA 1006 (2021).
Training Dates
04/16/2025 - 04/18/2025
24h 0m
Training Location
Animal Fire Rescue
599 Starbright Lane
Alpine, CA  91910
Resources Required
See Course Plan located on the SFT website:
Reporting Instructions
None Specified
Signup Details
The fee listed on this page is the administrative fee per student State Fire Training (SFT) charges to the host agency/instructor. This fee is not representative of the cost to enroll in this course delivery with the host agency/instructor due to additional costs the host agency/instructor may need to recover (facilities/resources/instructors/administration/etc.).

This is a hands-on rope rescue class. Contact Ken Gilden at 858-576-0575.

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